To understand whether it’s dangerous or not we need to understand about code red diet. The Code Red Diet was invented by Cristy Nickel, or Cristy “Code Red” Nickel, a wellness coach who is widely known in the fitness world.

What is the code red diet?

The code red diet is like the keto diet where you have to take more amount of protein and less amount of carbohydrates and sugar.  In this diet, you have to take more amount of red meat or animal-based protein to lose weight. With this diet, you can lose about 10-15 pounds weight per month and within 6 months you can achieve your ideal body weight. This is also known as High protein and low carb diet

What foods red code diet contain?

  • Mutton
  • Pork
  • Salmon
  • Beef
  • Red beans
  • Eggs
  • Spinach
  • Beetroot juice (without sugar)
  • Chicken
  • Lentils
  • Tuna
  • Turkey
  • Vegetables

What foods are not allowed in red code diet?

  • White bread and brown bread
  • Sugar
  • Fruits
  • Tortillas
  • Croissant
  • Sodas
  • Sweet dish
  • Rice
  • Cakes
  • Candies
  • Potatoes, Turnips and Carrots

There are some recommendations for the code red diet

  • Avoid carbohydrates

Avoid taking carbohydrates as they contain gluten in most products and as we all know gluten converts into glucose which is a direct source of sugar that can make to gain weight

  • Eat more amount of protein

Taking more protein will make your stomach full for more time and help you lose weight and gain muscle mass.


  • Eat vegetables with every meal

As we all know vegetables especially green leafy vegetables are high in fiber and they are beneficial in weight loss, the best combination for weight loss is animal-based proteins and vegetables


  • Cut down sugar

Sugar has no nutritional value and they are considered to be empty calories. It will make you gain weight and swell your body. Avoid taking sodas, candies, cakes, soft drinks, fruits, sugar


  • Exercise daily

People who are over weight or who want to lose weight fast should exercise at least 30 minutes daily. Brisk walk and weight lifting would be a great combination for weight loss

daily exercise

  • Drink more water

Water is so important to digest protein and it will make you full for more time also many people complain about constipation while doing a code red diet.


  • Fat intake

Balancing fat intake is very important as animal-based protein also contains fats in it so you have to look after your fat intake, e.g. 2 tea spoons of butter or olive oil would be enough while losing weight in a code red diet.


Is code red diet dangerous?

Many people ask this question before starting this diet. So basically, in my opinion, you should get yourself properly checked by a dietitian or healthcare professional before starting this diet. Diet is not directly dangerous but could indirectly be dangerous as we know that more proteins mean more water. If you are taking 150 grams of protein daily then you need to drink at least 2 gallons of water

code red diet

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